38. Maarmuseum Manderscheid
38. Maarmuseum Manderscheid
Experience the exciting history of the Volcanic Eifel through spectacular simulations. And go on a journey inside the Earth. The maars, unique archives of the past, are presented clearly here: One of the highlights of this interactive exhibition is a large model of a maar which you can walk on.
Allow yourself to be led through the plant and animal world of the Eifel maars and take a look at the fascinating fossils of the Eckfelder Maar from about 45 million years ago, especially the famous 'Eckfelder Urpferdchen' ('Eckfeld prehistoric horse') and the 'älteste Honigbiene der Welt' ('oldest honey bee in the world'). We are looking forward to your visit!
38. Maarmuseum Manderscheid